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Anglican Works Online

ACNA Liturgies



“The Articles of Religion,” (“39 Articles”)            



The Book of Common Prayer, 1549 Edition



The Book of Common Prayer, 1552 Edition



The Book of Common  Prayer, 1559 Edition



The Book of Common Prayer, 1637 Edition (Scottish)  



The Book of Common Prayer, 1662 Edition. (New York, New York: Everyman’s Library, 1999)



The Scottish Communion Office, 1764 Edition (Scottish)



The Book of Common Prayer, 1789 Edition (American)



The Book of Common Prayer, 1928 Edition (American)



The Book of Common Prayer, 1979 Edition (American)



Useful Books and Documents


The Book of Homilies


The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral 


Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, Book I



Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, Book II



Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, Book III



Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, Book IV



Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, Book V



Browne, Edward Harold. An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles, by. New York: E.P Dutton and Company, 1874



Dearmer, Percy, Everyman’s History of the Prayer Book, 1912



Dearmer, Percy, The Parson's Handbook, 1899



The Early Christian Fathers



Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography



The Richard Hooker Collection


     Keble, John. The Works of that Learned and Judicious Divine Mr. Richard Hooker:


     Vol. 1


     Vol. 2


     Vol. 3


     Marshall, John S. Hooker's Theology of Common Prayer


The Jerusalem Declaration 


​Law, William. A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (1728)



Magna Carta, 1215 A.D.  (The Great Charter)



Milton, John., “The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates,” 1650



Whitefield, George. “A Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley,” December 24, 1740



Whitefield, George. Sermon 57. “Georgia Sermon,” January 28, 1770



The Peter Toon Collection:​

Doctrine ("Includes "The Anglican Formularies & Holy Scripture")









Worship (Includes "Which Rite is Right") 



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