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New to Anglicanism?
Three Areas of Concentration as You Begin:
1. The Daily Office:
If you aren't already, we recommend you begin praying the Daily Office. The Daily Office consists of Morning and Evening Prayer. This is an essential, life-long practice for all Anglicans that ensures your day is saturated in prayers and scriptures. You'll read through most of the canon each year and through the Book of Psalms every 60 days. Here is a very solid Daily Office Podcast that will allow you to listen to the office while you participate with your Book of Common Prayer.
2. Weekly Eucharist:
It is vital that you worship in an Anglican congregation that holds to the faith once delivered. Contact us, and we'll locate the congregation in your area that can join in your formation.
3. Learning on Purpose:
We believe as Archbishop Cranmer did, that as we engage scripture, we read it, and mark, learn, and inwardly digest it. Learning in the Anglican Tradition is life long. Make these resources a part of your beginning.
The Anglican Formularies
These documents are the place to begin when exploring Classic Anglicanism. The Formularies are the Book of Common Prayer, the Ordinal found there in, and the 39 Articles of Religion within their historical context. As the Book of Homilies are referenced in the 39 Articles, one may append these fine sermons to your study at the center of Anglicanism.
1662 BCP
The Ordinal
The Articles of Religion
The Book of Homilies
The JAFC Journal: St. Augustine of Canterbury Issue - May 26, 2021
We recommend this particular issue of our professional journal. In it, over a dozen of our chaplains explain their journey toward Anglicanism. From Roman Catholics, to Baptists, Presbyterians, and Free Churchmen, you're sure to resonate with their stories.
The Book of Common Prayer by Jacob Adams
This resource explains how The Book of Common Prayer became one of the most influential works in the English language. This will give you a solid background on the importance of the the BCP.
The Anglican Spiritual Tradition by JRH Moorman
The author starts with the first Book of Common Prayer and traces the development of the Anglican spiritual ethos through to modern times.
The Homily On The Salvation of Mankind by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
If you want to know what Reformed Catholic soteriology looks like, there's no better place to look than Archbishop Cranmer's, "A sermon of the salvation of mankind, by only Christ our Savior from sin and death everlasting."
Evangelical Is Not Enough by Thomas Howard
In this deeply moving narrative, Thomas Howard describes his pilgrimage from Evangelicalism (which he loves and reveres as the religion of his youth) to liturgical Christianity. He soon afterward became a Roman Catholic. He describes Evangelicalism with great sympathy and then examines more formal, liturgical worship with the freshness of someone discovering for the first time what his soul had always hungered for. This is a book of apologetics without polemics. Non-Roman Catholics will gain an appreciation of the formal and liturgical side of Catholicism.
Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail By Robert E. Weber
Why do so many evangelicals flock to liturgical traditions today? Robert Webber first explored the question in this thoughtful and engaging classic in 1989; now evangelical scholar and pastor Lester Ruth updates the conversation. Much remains of Webber s beloved original text, including his discussion of Anglicanisms six great gifts: mystery and awe, Christ-centered worship, sacramental reality, historical identity, participation in catholic traditions and holistic spirituality. Ruth adds fresh stories from evangelicals who have followed Webber s footsteps on the Canterbury trail, along with new essays that highlight the diversity of Anglican expressions today."
Stories of Coming to the Anglican Tradition
Below are episodes of the Classic Anglican Podcast that feature interviews with chaplains who made there way to the Anglican tradition. We pray that these powerful stories will help you as you journey in the Anglican Way.
From Roman Catholic to Anglican with Fr. Julio
From Charismatic to Anglican with Fr. Nathan
From Baptist to Anglican with Fr. Adam
From Evangelical to Anglican with Fr. Alan
From Pentecostal to Anglican with Fr. Dan
From Chapel BRAT to Anglican with Fr. Rob
From Methodist to Anglican with Fr. Marshall
From Reformed Baptist to Anglican with Fr. Matt
From Presbyterian to Anglican with Fr. Zac
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